Wednesday, September 12, 2012

NATURE / SEASONS - The arrival of the Pääsukesed trotsivad sügisilmade - ESTONIA


Sunday afternoon on the Tartu parish, Metsanuka village. Harjalaual sat down at three pääsupoega reach. Tuulehood linnukeste feathers they looked inside out, õõtsusid for-as I would like them to be blown loose from the iilid.

About four in five-minute intervals, meanwhile, were also more frequently because the harkhännad aloud sädistama noticed coming on either the mother or the father. Pääsupoegade mouth venivat bigger than their heads appeared, and one of three topiti typically fly throat full of insects.

«A rare sight for fear that it is probably already on the third vanalinnud, pesaringil does not exist, "stated Matt Kose yesterday directly Livonian ornithologist lahelt in Tartu by giving the Postimehele interviews.

«Easy, of course, is not a mother-father. They are now rather topeltkoormus because after all, they have to be before the migration endilgi to collect FAT enough, "he told the House of Lords.

On Sunday, which saw Kihnus Kose was a lot of thought to be mainly in the läbirännul pääsukesi. Select & viluvõitu wind meant that lennuvõimeliseks received the sons were themselves putukapüügiga jänni and vanemaile only had hoped.

«However, it appeared much like wedges, yet surprisingly who hunt, "said Kose. "The barn swallow is also quite good. Yesterday was a good track of how they were insects from the surface. But really, our silmale seems like someone trying to be any more. "

Mati Kose according to suitsupääsukeste migration in South Africa, although already more or less halfway, but in Finland and the rest of us pesitsejate us läbiränne north end until the middle of October. Thus, time itself and the last concluded its infant should jaguma on grass.

«True learning can take poegadel also putukapüügi for weeks because the insects are sparsely,» stated Kose. «Now depends on a lot of ilmadest. If they kisuvad very jahedaks, vihmaseks and tuuliseks, although most of the pup's life in danger. But nor can the natural trikkidele hand propose. "

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