This SATURDAY, JULY 21ST WE Invite you to spend
from one to five minutes meditating or just thinking about something in this world you want, can and would like to be
It can be to stop the war in Syria, stop the poorness in the
least developed countries, stop cntamination and global heating, or even something more personal, like get closer to people you would
like to, say i love you to somebody you feel like, or just wish the best and happiness to whoever you want
even yourself.
But it would be great to have everybody involved in this, for which tell your friends, family co-workers, known people, even your enemies if you have, your ex friends, your ex boyfriend of girlfriedn, everybody is invitred to share something that just need to have one thing: A GOOD THINKING OR A GOOD WISH
Because the place that we go is the same and the world that we live belongs to all of us, lets give him an opportunity and hope to be with us and we be in it for the rest of our live and let all the future generations enjoy a good, perfect and wonderfull world as it is today
And whatever you do or think, and whoever want to participate on this is invited, because there will be always an open door, no matter sex, race, religion, thiking or whatever distinction that the society may do or have, but most important than anything, we are all just one and perfect HUMANITY
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