Monday, September 3, 2012

PLANET - Meat printed... Yum! - FRANCE

Meat printed... Yum!

Steack 3D
Print his steak, that is the idea which believes Peter Thiel, the former administrator of Facebook, including the Foundation recently awarded $ 350,000 in Modern Meadow, a start-up that plans to use the 3D printing technology for the experiment.
While some studies point out the inability of the world's population to continue the current 2050 Carné regime, Modern Meadows ("modern prairies") intends to use the technology to produce artificial meat. "When you look at all the resources being requested for a hamburger, we realize how this created a true environmental disaster" said there is little András Forgács, co-founder of the company with Gábor Forgács, his father.
The technology used is based on this that developed in the middle of the regenerative medicine : a cartridge contains tissue cells, the other a hydrogel which allows to aggregate everything, and the launch of printing gave birth to the fabric desired. Laboratory technology familiar two entrepreneurs have participated and promoted the commercialization of organic printing their previous firm, Organovo, specializing in the use of medical 3D printing (test of drugs or tissue grafts).
Lindy Fishburne, head of the Breakout Labs at the origin of the quotes attributed to Modern Meadows, believes that it is of "a project with the ability to create an economic and compassionate to a global problem solution"... not to mention the suffering of animals, highlighted by the Forgács, who also manufacture and artificial leather.
For the moment, the initiative is still in its infancy : no mention is their progress on the site of the U.S. Department of agriculture and their first objective is to create a piece of synthetic meat consumption one inch approximately (2 x 1 x 0.5 inches) in length.
Waiting to taste of "printed meat the...", would be the best can be to read the excellent should we eat animals, by Jonathan Safran Foer andlearn to eat vegetarian without becoming goat! Or follow the advice of Pierre Rabhi : not to wish "good appetite" but "good luck".

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