Monday, September 3, 2012

HEALTH / DIET - Good foods to diet - ROMANIA

 What would you do to fit into the pattern of a star? Unfortunately, your body structure can not dictate it at birth. But in addition to the extra pounds you can fight. Here's what to include in the diet in order to reach the desired shapes! Diet can help you lose weight, but not neglecting exerciseit physically. Recent scientific studies have shown that the intake of calories is not necessarily higher in obese than persons of normal. What differs are energy losses and saith that fats are much lower in overweight.

Grapes give you energy
In place to kill time munching a packet of biscuitswhich definitely do yourself are doing well, eating grapes. They shall not be submitted as hard as pastry products and, in addition, give you energy as compared with activities you do during the day. The grapes are sweet, but as long as you don't exaggerate their consumption, they do offer a good tonus and successful hunger kidding. One hundred grams of grapes contain only 70 calories.

Weaken with potatoes
Potatoes are very good if you want to weaken. You capture this news? Well,No problem are potatoes, but the manner in which they are prepared. And just maybe, Without fries they are rich in fatand you see when getting on the scales. But if you do it in the oven or boiling anger, they are very good for your diet. Also, try not to combini with meat and bread. Potatoes contain only 97 calories.

For dessert, a chocolate pătrăţică
If you lust for sweet and not one can master with vegetables and fruit, 20 grams of black chocolate are a great way to pamper yourself generous. She will bring fewer calories than a serving of ice cream, cake or pudding. And to be complete, you tacâmul asezona with a natural fruit juice made in house.

Curds, source of protein
If it is made from skimmed cow's milk, fresh cheese is a good source of vitamins, calcium and protein. A serving of 100 grams contains 56 calories. You want to give a special flavor and taste delicious? When is it okay to a combini with fruits and vegetables, such as grapes, walnuts, roşia, cucumbers and peppers. Also, don't forget to expend two liters of water.

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