Thursday, May 24, 2012


See how are the actors from the original version of ' Carousel '

In Photo Gallery, the before and after of Maria Joaquina, Cyril

Cena da versão mexicana de “Carrossel”, exibida aqui de 1991 a 1992 no SBT
Foto: Reprodução

Scene from the Mexican version of "Carousel", displayed here from 1991 to 1992 in the SBT Reproduction
RIO-twenty years after the display – and the smashing success – the novel Mexican children's carousel, SBT, Brazil won his own version of plot, on-air by the same broadcaster since last Monday. The adventures and the everyday Teacher Helena and the third year class in the World accompanied the evolution of School time, but are still based on issues such as racial prejudice and social differences, just as in the first version. A lot of people that is in the range of 30 years today and followed the novelinha in childhood went to check out what's new. The nostalgic wave was seen on the internet, where the debut and the first chapters of the serial have been thoroughly discussed, and in the audience. Silvio Santos had established 8 points in Ibope's goal for the premiere attraction, which ended up giving 13. But that order led the actors who originally gave life to some of the iconic World school students? In Photo Gallery, you see the pictures of "before" and "after".

Ludwika Paleta (Maria Joaquina)
The Mexican actress of Polish origin has 33 years today and is among the children, one of the few who continued with a successful career in TV. Turned a woman beautiful and acted in other Mexican productions. Some of them even were viewed by here by SBT as "Grandpa and I", "Maria do Bairro" and "Friends and rivals", in which she played one of the protagonists.
Gabriela Rivero (Professor Helena)
The world's most beloved partner today has 47 years, is married and has three children. One of his daughters, incidentally, has 14 years and already follows in the footsteps of mother on TV. After the end of "Carousel", Gabriela continued acting but went to live in the USA. She was in Brazil last year and participated in some TV shows. He is currently on the air in "heart", Univisón, channel for the u.s. Hispanic audience.
Pedro Javier Viveros (Cyril)
The naive and innocent boy always fell in jokes by the other, and appointed to be constantly rejected and humiliated by Maria Joaquina. He left the artistic life and today works with communication sciences.
Hilda Chavez (Laura)
"This is so romantic!" was the catchphrase of dreamy, and is so chubby today one of the phrases most recognized brands of the plot. Hilda continues chubby, but dropped out of the acting career and became a lawyer. Detail: specializing in copyrights.
Krystel Klithbo (Valerie)
David's girlfriend in the plot, she sewed outfits from doll to sell and help supplement the income of their parents. Its hallmark? The huge bottle bottom glasses. She grew up, it was beautiful, but his career was not far away. Came to study interpretation in Los Angeles and now lives in Spain, where it already was a waitress and makes their beaks as a model and actress.
Joseph Birch (David)
Despite the loirinhos hair and curly, David wasn't exactly an Angel. But it was nice: he came to offer to sacrifice his own bit to help the doorman Firmino, who was ill, after the teacher Helena stated that turtle soup could raise up the dead. He also did not follow the career of actor, but continues in the artistic environment: turned choreographer of contemporary dance.
Flower Eduarda Gurrola (Carmen)
The poor thing Carmen, who also suffered with the financial situation of the parents and had an appendicitis seriously (in the plot, was hastily operated by the father of Maria Joaquina) invested in a career more alternative. She was also, soon after carousel in "Grandpa and I", and today works in movies and TV series.

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