Thursday, May 31, 2012


CIWEM's Environmental Photographer of the Year – in pictures

CIWEM has began calling for photographers to submit entries for its 2012 award. Honouring amateurs and professionals alike, the contest is an international showcase for the very best in environmental photography and video. Here is a selection of past entries

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

If you have a Good New to tell from no matter where in the World , and want to get it published, please send it to, mentioning your name, age and country and we will publish it


Si tienes una buena noticia de donde quiera que sea e el Mundo y quieres contarla, envíanos un mensaje a, junto con tu nombre, edad y Nacionalidad, y lo publicaremos.


Un hotel sueco ofrece una suite adentro de una mina

Pasar la noche en la habitación, 155 metros bajo tierra, cuesta unos 443 euros. Está decorada con objetos de plata.

La suite del hotel tiene 50 metros cuadrados y está a 155 metros de profundidad.
29/05/12 - 16:52

A 150 kilómetros de Estocolmo y a 155 metros bajo tierra. En Västmanland, Suecia, un hotel ofrece la posibilidad de pasar una noche dentro de una mina de plata.
El hotel Sala Silvermine tiene una habitación en las entrañas de la tierra, al final de túneles y cavidades, en lo que fuera una antigua mina, hoy ya sin actividad.
Pasar la noche en el Silvermine cuesta 443 euros. La habitación tiene 50 metros cuadrados, un hall de entrada, una mesa para cenar y una cama de dos plazas.
Decorada con piezas de plata y muebles plateados, la suite está preparada para recibir a dos personas y tiene una temperatura de 18°C pero en los túneles y alrededores, el ambiente se mantiene a 2°C durante todo el año.
Por eso, los dueños del hotel recomiendan a los huéspedes no olvidar la ropa de abrigo.
Para ir al baño, los turistas deben caminar por un túnel de 50 metros. Allí, se encontrarán con un toillet y su inodoro. Nada más. Para bañarse hay que subir a la superficie.
A los huéspedes, no sólo les entregan gruesas frazadas sino un intercomunicador para llamar a la recepción: los teléfonos móviles no funcionan a esa profundidad.
El precio de la suite incluye no sólo la estadía, una cesta de bienvenida que trae queso, galletitas, frutas, champagne y chocolate y el desayuno, sino también una visita guiada por la mina.
La compañía dueña de la mina decidió reciclar este espacio y mantenerlo abierto para promover el atractivo turístico de las minas


Grandma Magi levitates outside Pavilion shopping mall

KUALA LUMPUR: Shoppers at the Pavilion shopping mall gasped at the sight of an elderly woman levitating almost 9m above the ground, with her hand stretching out and her palm sticking to an AXN sign on a pole.

“Is it a statue in mid-air?” asked some onlookers.

Their jaws dropped when the figure dressed in a flowery ensemble and holding an umbrella waved to the crowd below with a cheery smile on Saturday.

“I was relieved when I realised it was actually a magic act,” laughed businesswoman Kuintan Sepawi, 54.

Suspenseful trick: Grandma Magi thrilling spectators outside the Pavilion shopping mall with her gravity-defying magic act.

Her 14-year-old daughter Arina Syafiah could not contain her excitement as she described how amazing it was to see the magic act.

“I have never seen anything like that, not even on TV and, therefore, this was a great opportunity for me,” she smiled.

The suspended “elderly woman” goes by the name of Grandma Magi, one of the many alter egos portrayed by California-born magician and illusionist Cyril Takayama of French-Japanese descent.

Since his teenage years of busking in the streets of Tokyo, the 38-year-old illusionist has made his name internationally with his extraordinary and thrilling magic tricks.

When he was 17, a rich businessman discovered his talent and gave him his own show and he has never looked back since.

Prior to “her” public performance at the mall, Grandma Magi appeared briefly on an Astro entertainment programme and within seconds started sneezing fire through her nose.

High five: Grandma Magi waving to the crowd below her.

Sony Pictures Television vice-president Gregory Ho said the magician was here to promote his Cyril's Family Vacation: Hawaii Edition programme that features “family members” Grandma Magi, Uncle Richard and cousin Tiny.

“The show is set on the island of Oahu, where the audience knows nothing which means everything will be happening spontaneously,” he said, adding that the show would run for six weeks.

From here, Cyril goes to Manila, New Delhi and Mumbai, where he will be spreading his magic to more than 180 million of viewers and fans.

Video Here


Adrian Anca, a striker in a square of 75 hectares


Adrian Anca is proud of its vineyard

Champion of Romania with CFR Cluj, former vine growing vines, maize and sunflower in the village of Ianca (Bihor). "I Believe that agriculture will bring rewarding material larger than football," says Adrian Anca.
Adrian Anca (36 years) was the captain of the football team of CFR Cluj, band, with whom he won the title of champion of Romania, and now has the largest vineyard in the village of bihorean Ianca. After he ended his career as a sportsman, Anca was oriented towards agriculture.

Agronomy graduate

Adrian started playing football at the age of 14, and at 19 years gave admission to the Faculty of physical education and Sport in Oradea, but to succeed, so he tried his luck at the Faculty of Agronomy, in Oradea, where he was admitted. The 20-year-old striker suffered a double fracture of the tibia and fibula which kept him away from the ball for three seasons. Anca has closely from the teeth and was able to return on the lawn. The striker has terrorized misbehaving on the club side teams up to 32 years of age, he decided to put his boots toe nail. There followed several years of honours, after which he decided to abandon the sport-King, and to try his luck in agriculture.

Side by side with zilierii

From Monday to Sunday, Adrian Anca working side by side with the zilierii vine growing. "I was a player who should be noted through executions or by a phenomenal talent. Rather, I believe I have excelled through work. Being a team player all the time, I had a positive thinking and a good attitude. That's why I managed to keep myself a long performance in football, "said the former player.

Adrian Anca cultivate no more than 75 acres in the village of Ianca, Diosig commune, 30 kilometres from Oradea. Grapevine nurseries is spread over five hectares, of which four have been planted this year when he decided to do and viticulture, Anca planted different varieties of vine vines on one hectare, to see which lends itself to the ground in Diosig. Former footballer likes to argue that new task: craziness "while I was professional footballer, I learned that in order to succeed you must work hard. I chose to work in agriculture, because I like working with much drag and bring a lot of passion. "
Anca manual shows you how to bottle wine

"I invested over five billion old lei"

Those 75 hectares which it cultivates in the village of bihorean, Anca Ianca has corn, sunflower and vine devie. I want my future to focus only on growing vine, so, at the moment, other cultures are merely supportive. "All the money they get after it valorific other investing in Grapevine", he reveals the Anca strategy in agriculture. He applied for the European funds within the programme for the conversion of vineyards.

"I invested in agriculture over five billion old lei. Mi-has approved several projects on the European funds and hope to receive the money, that I can recover some of the investment. I think agriculture is an alternative to the current crisis and I am sure in time I will bring rewarding material larger than football ", believe Adrian.

Fetească Regală, Sauvignon Blanc, Sauvignon, Traminer and Tămâioasă Românească are varieties of vine-planted five acres. “ The were buy from Blaj, but also from Italy, and planting has been mechanized so that, in less than two days later, the empty land was transformed in a vineyard, which over three years will begin to rodească and they will be called Via Anca. Former player hopes that, over several years, its wine to be appreciated and to find hotel chains in the port.
This spring, the former striker of the vine planted in four hectares

The father in the son

Adrian speaks animatedly about the projects of the future. A modern bottling line is the next investment. "We have a manual bottling line, but will pick up at a Hall with modern wine-making facilities, where we produce traditional wines of superior quality," explained footballer. He argues that his passion for agriculture has inherited it from his father many years ago.

"Dad was President of CAP in Diosig. And he is in charge of agriculture and cultivate over 100 hectares. We are proud of the varieties that we have, in particular, who are the noble varieties. Work and practice I learned from my dad. There are some things, such as pruning vine, for example, that you do just us without zilieri "boast Adrian.

The secret of a good wine

I have brought satisfaction to both football and agriculture. "Football was a pride when playing and câştigam with Dinamo, Steaua and Rapid. The same satisfaction I lived it, I assure you, and when I came out the first shoot, "confesses sportsman of the orădean.

Not a day passes without Adrian Anca shall not seek specialty information in the books about the culture of the vine and on how to brew wine, so I know all the secrets of the trade. "Red wines have better quality if they are aged at least three to four years. In regards to white wines, they are good if they are consumed as soon as possible after they have been put up, "he explained.

Although the area on which they grow plants vine vines is a fairly large, not interested in production, but the quality. "Production should be as low in order to have the best possible quality. Crushing and fermentation of the grapes we do in wooden casks, even though many consider this method as one deprecated. The best white wines of high quality are kept in wooden casks ", argues the former captain of the clujean group of football ... Gruia

"All the money they get after it valorific other investing in Grapevine. ''

"I chose to work in agriculture, because I like working with much drag and bring a lot of passion."
Adrian Anca farmer

Adrian Gheorghe Anca

-Date and place of birth: March 27, 1976 in Diosig (Bihor)
-Post: striker
-Player Career: Crişul Aleşd (1996-2001), Mechel Câmpia Turzii (2001-2003), Gloria Bistriţa (2003, 2008-2009), Belenenses (2003-2008), Oţelul Galaţi (2008), Luceafărul Oradea (2009-2010), Silvania Şimleu Silvaniei (2010)
Career coach: Silvania Şimleu Silvaniei (2010), Bihorul Beiuş (2011)
-Track record: won the Championship and the Romanian Cup with CFR Cluj in 2008, a top scorer of the League II with 24 points in 2004

Monday, May 28, 2012


'Olympic rings' molecule olympicene in striking image

AFM image of Olympicene molecule The technique showcases details well under a billionth of a metre in size

Researchers have succeeded in taking a stunning image of a newly synthesised molecule called olympicene.

The molecule - just over a billionth of a metre across - gets its name because its five linked rings resemble the Olympic symbol.

It was first made by collaborators at the University of Warwick in the UK.

They teamed up with IBM researchers, who in 2009 pioneered the technique of single-molecule imaging with its non-contact atomic force microscopy.

The team, based at IBM Research Zurich, announced its first success with a molecule called pentacene, five linked hexagonal rings of carbon all in a line.

But it was Professor Graham Richards CBE, former head of Oxford University's chemistry department and member of the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) council, who first conceived of the idea to create a more Olympic-themed molecule along the same lines.

"I was in a committee meeting of the Royal Society of Chemistry where we were trying to think of what we could do to mark the Olympics," Prof Richards told BBC News.

"It occurred to me that the molecule that I had drawn looked very much like the Olympic rings, and it had never been made."

David Fox drawing olympicene The University of Warwick was tapped by the RSC to make the molecule for the first time

University of Warwick researchers Anish Mistry and David Fox undertook the task of developing a chemical recipe for the molecule, and took preliminary images of it using a technique called scanning tunnelling microscopy.

But no approach gives such detailed images of single molecules as non-contact atomic force microscopy, in which a single, even tinier molecule of carbon monoxide is used as a kind of record needle to probe the grooves of molecules with unprecedented resolution.

The images show linked ring structures that are reminiscent both of the Olympic rings and a great many compounds made from rings of carbon atoms, including the "miracle material" graphene.

However, Prof Richards hopes that olympicene's greatest contribution to chemistry is to bring more students into it.

"Molecules of this nature could conceivably have commercial use, but my own feeling is that above all we want to excite an interest in chemistry provoked by the link with the Olympics," he said.


Perro sin dueño corrió 1.700 kilómetros junto a ciclistas

El animal se unió al grupo de deportistas luego de que uno de ellos le dio comida. Uno de los competidores pretende adoptarlo
Curiosas, Perros
(Captura de pantalla: YouTube/Bandeirantes)
Un perro sin dueño recorrió 1.700 kilómetros junto a un grupo de ciclistas que participaba en una competencia entre las provincias de Sichuan y el Tíbet que se prolongó por 20 días y que incluyó travesías por 12 montañas.
Xiaosa, nombre con el que fue bautizado, se unió a los deportistas luego de que uno de ellos le diera un poco de comida. Ese pequeño gesto valió para que la mascota no se separara más del grupo, informó BBC.
Encariñado luego de compartir ruta con este espontáneo competidor, el ciclista Xiao Yong ha decidido adoptar al can.
Yong incluso se animó a abrir un blog para contar esta experiencia y su espacio ya tiene más de 40 mil seguidores.
Link del video


Compañeros de ruta que se eligen

La amistad es considerada como la más libre de las relaciones humanas.

Lolola nimina". De esta manera, cuya traducción del lenguaje infantil al castellano sería "Señora divina", la niña Rosario Ambrosini, hoy una actriz de 58 años, se refería a Cristina Morán cuando la veía en televisión. Varias décadas y trabajos conjuntos después, se han transformado en amigas inseparables. María Filippi (53), también actriz, también forma parte de ese grupo íntimo que se reúne siempre que sus obligaciones lo permiten; Carmen Morán, hija de Cristina, suele unírseles. Las carcajadas resuenan en el céntrico bar San Rafael. Rosario cuenta de la inminente llegada de un sobrino-nieto, para alegría de todas. Más allá de "la química" o las "posturas similares ante la vida", ninguna puede dar una explicación racional a ese sentimiento. Desde hace unas dos décadas son amigas y punto; y eso no se discute más.
La diferencia de edad no se nota. "Yo entré a trabajar a la radio a los 17 años y cambié todo mi ritmo de vida, por eso no tengo amistades de décadas atrás", dice Cristina sin sombra de tristeza. "Yo no acepto la separación por generaciones. Cuando nos juntamos… ¡somos tan bobas que lo que hacemos es pasarlo bien, reírnos! A mí me gusta mirar para adelante. Tengo 81 años, ¡qué voy a andar mirando para atrás!", larga la carcajada "Lolola", como aún la llama Rosario, amparada por la intimidad de ese micromundo que les pertenece a ellas.
A diferencia de lo que ha pasado con el amor, la psicología ha indagado poco el tema de la amistad, admite Alba Fernández, psicoanalista y docente en la Universidad de la República (UdelaR), pese a que es un sentimiento fundamental para el desarrollo humano que surge desde la infancia (ver aparte), además de un indicador de salud mental que incluso repercute físicamente. Fernando García, filósofo y filólogo, habla de una base que comienza en "reconocer al otro como a un igual". La antropóloga Anabella Loy la define como una mezcla de "tiempo, confianza, afinidad, generosidad, empatía, aptitud para compartir la vida del otro y disposición para dar una mano", tras reconocer que "no hay consenso" sobre la etimología de la palabra.
Pero, tal vez para usted, todo lo que emana de estas ciencias humanas es chino básico. Hoy posiblemente esté más preocupado aprontando el asado, o la raviolada, o una picada, esperando a sus amigos. Esos con los que compartió festejos y velorios; con quienes hubo y hay aperturas descarnadas, silencios a respetar, códigos no escritos en común; esos tan semejantes o tan complementarios con quienes hay un pasado común, lealtades y proyectos que se confiesan y se consultan, porque realmente quiere saber sus opiniones. Son hermanos de distinta sangre que usted eligió como compañeros de ruta. Se siente bien con ellos y se sentirá mejor luego de ese encuentro. Aún así, mientras prepara esta reunión, ¿alguna vez pensó cómo comenzó todo?, ¿cómo se define esta relación y qué es lo que la sustenta?, y ¿qué beneficios le puede aportar este vínculo fraternal?
¿SOMOS AMIGOS O NO? Dentro de tantas preguntas de difícil respuesta, a la psicóloga Fernández le gusta una afirmación del filósofo francés Gilles Deleuze sobre la gestación de la amistad: "Ahí, donde nosotros nos enganchamos al otro, ocurren cuestiones muy sutiles, hasta gestuales". Entonces, es muy difícil de descifrar lo que atrae primero y amiga después, sea desde la semejanza o la complementariedad.
A pesar de todo esto, pocos sentimientos han sido tan resaltados por la cultura popular, desde el tango a las series televisivos, hasta casi sacralizarlo. Y acá toda pretensión teórica queda subordinada. Eso sí, la pregunta "¿Qué es un amigo para vos?" invariablemente provoca unos segundos de silencio. Luego, las respuestas surgen solas, producto siempre más de bucear en la experiencia vital que de cualquier análisis filosófico. Y hay tantas respuestas como personas; o amigos.
"Un amigo es el hermano que elegís para que te acompañe en la vida. Es alguien que saca lo mejor de vos y que vos sacás lo mejor de él", responde Gonzalo Camarotta (35), conductor radial, cuyo grupo más íntimo lo acompaña desde hace un cuarto de siglo. Entre ellos está Salvador Banchero: ayer compañeros de escuela, hoy y desde hace una década, conductores y responsables de Justicia Infinita (Océano FM). "Además de todo, con él llevamos diez años trabajando juntos y la relación no se resintió; ¡más prueba de fuego para una amistad que esa, difícil! Él (Salvador) es un tipo del que, si yo algún día me separo, significa que algo estoy haciendo mal", añade Camarotta. "No sé si (Gonzalo) será mejor amigo que los amigos de otras personas pero tampoco me importa. Me alcanza con saberme orgulloso de contar con un tipo como él del modo en que lo hago", afirma Banchero. Ambos ponen en palabras a esa entelequia llamada "amigo del alma".
"Un amigo es un complemento a vos, no sólo una compañía. Es alguien con el que contás y cuenta contigo", dice Camila Cibils (27), periodista de Canal 10. Ella aún se reúne siempre que puede con sus amigas del bachillerato del Zorrilla Maristas, el período de su vida más rico en esos vínculos. ¿Por qué? Esa es otra pregunta de difícil respuesta. "A un grupo de amigos no lo elegís; ese se forma naturalmente por afinidades, por caerse bien y, aunque suene medio veterano (sic), por valores comunes".
Gabriel Varela (50), despachante de aduana, dice creer "más en los lazos de amistad que en los de sangre". Uno de los integrantes de su barra, surgida hace 35 años ahí por Nuevo Malvín, lo nombró padrino de su hijo. "Eso fue un orgullo y una emoción que no me esperaba". Amigos, amigos del alma y ahora compadres, una progresión perfecta.
La máxima "un amigo se elige, un familiar no", se toma como un dogma; otra, "conocidos hay muchos, los verdaderos amigos se cuentan con los dedos de una mano", también. La cultura "de la calle" le ha dado más marco conceptual a la amistad que la academia; y también ha alimentado varios axiomas populares. Sin embargo, las ciencias sociales han acabado dándoles varias veces la razón. Alba Fernández es de la idea de que "es imposible sostener varias amistades profundas al mismo tiempo". Más lejos aún fue su colega español José Zacaggnini, docente de la Universidad de Málaga, quien en su estudio Amistad y bienestar psicológico (2010), aseguró que una persona "normalmente tiene hasta cuatro amigos íntimos"; en cambio, según este autor, los "amigos circunstanciales" (compañeros de trabajo, estudio u otra organización social) pueden superar los cien.
¿AMIGOS PARA SIEMPRE? ¿Un amigo es para toda la vida? La película uruguaya Flacas Vacas muestra en tono de comedia cómo el tiempo puede escorar una vieja amistad. El compinche de juegos y travesuras infantiles no tiene por qué ser el compañero de salidas o el confidente en la adolescencia; ni este último sabrá ofrecer su hombro y su voz para soportar los golpes de la vida (sumarse a la euforia es algo mucho más fácil), requisito necesario para recibirse de compañero de ruta. Si de pensamiento filosófico se habla, Fernando García cuenta que Aristóteles ponía a la confianza y al tiempo como condiciones fundamentales para la amistad; pero Friedrich Nietzsche, en cambio, "afirmaba que ese vínculo era algo temporario", siempre preparado para partir. No en vano, Nietzsche basaba muchas de sus teorías en el nihilismo.
Pero hay amistades que representan un tiempo y un lugar. Hace poco, Ernesto García (36), docente, aceptó jugar al fútbol con sus viejos compañeros del liceo salesiano al que asistían hace casi dos décadas. Con tres de ellos, pese a que siguieron carreras muy distintas, ha mantenido un vínculo muy cercano hasta hoy. "En los peores días de mi vida yo miraba para atrás y ahí estaban ellos, acompañándome; y el día que nació mi hija también estuvieron pendientes". Con el resto, solo había los buenos recuerdos típicos de toda adolescencia. Tiempo pasado. "Lo cierto es que ya durante el partido, sentí unas ganas infernales de borrarme. Algo como `¿qué estoy haciendo acá?`. No había casi tema de conversación con la mayoría. `¿En qué andás?`, `Ah`, y todo eso, y nada se profundizaba, y nada parecía interesar demasiado... Es cierto eso que se dice que la vida te separa, pero también es cierto que con algunos vos elegís mantener un contacto", reflexiona. Eso sí, no pudo explicar bien qué es lo que hizo escoger a uno sobre otro. "Supongo que fue la química", aventura, ajeno a cualquier sesuda reflexión.
"El concepto varía con la edad, sin dudas", sostiene la antropóloga Loy. "Se modifica porque la vida es una dialéctica de cambio y permanencia". Del juego infantil a los desafíos del mundo adulto que surgen en la adolescencia. "Con la madurez temprana resaltan las afinidades, los intereses comunes y la consolidación de las certezas de las lealtades conformadas", agrega. El psicólogo Álvaro Alcuri se pone dramáticamente poético: "La amistad habla de compañeros de viaje, pero si el viaje es escabroso, lamento informar que los perdemos. Algunos, yo diría los especiales, esos que los encontrás raramente en la vida, aguantan todos los cambios, pero son excepciones. Quizás sean esas excepciones y solamente esas, lo que uno llama `amigo-amigo`". Para este especialista, "lo más frecuente es hacer amigos en las etapas del desarrollo que tienen comienzo y fin" (como la adolescencia). Lo ideal, añade, es tener la habilidad para seguir haciéndolos a lo largo de la vida.
La lealtad, el preocuparse por el otro, el cultivar la relación; todas esas son "recetas" para mantener el vínculo; vínculo que necesariamente debe acompasar el paso del tiempo. Elena Alonso (79), jubilada, mantiene amistades que datan de 60 años con las que se ve regularmente. "El humor es una de las cosas que todavía nos mantiene juntas, el cariño, el ser afectuosas, el estar cuando el otro lo necesita… eso siempre tiene que ser igual. Los intereses cambian porque cambia tu forma de ser. Ahora, bien cosa de viejos, el tema de la salud es primordial. Luego están los hijos, los nietos… Y es gente a la que le contás lo que sentís, más a él que a un hermano. Un amigo es como un psicólogo, pero gratuito y con amor".
Pero hay cosas que se mantienen, o deberían mantenerse, incambiadas. Para la psicóloga Alba Fernández lo básico de una amistad no cambia a través del tiempo: la necesidad del otro. "El otro trae algo diferente que siempre es algo fresco, algo que nos permite un cambio de posición, que nos permite orientarnos hacia otro lugar". Posible conclusión: la función puede seguir siendo la misma; el amigo no.
LA AMISTAD, REMEDIO INFALIBE. Como sea, el que dice que un amigo es un tesoro tiene razón. Y un tesoro beneficioso. Alba Fernández estudia la función terapéutica de la amistad. Para ella, tanto la palabra de quien "por la intimidad y la confianza sabe decir una verdad en un momento justo y adecuado" como su sola presencia, alivia un momento duro y permite ver una situación dolorosa desde otro lado. Eso ayuda a vislumbrar un "cambio de perspectiva" necesario, función natural de un verdadero amigo. El humor, fruto de ese conocimiento mutuo, "permite pasar de una posición más dramática a una que permita una salida, que todo puede verse desde otro lugar", añade.
Además, distintos estudios han concluido que la amistad prolonga la vida, ayuda a la estabilidad laboral y mejora la salud cardiovascular (ver cifras). Sin dudas, tener amigos es sano. Desde la filosofía, aparte, se considera que el no reconocer al semejante como un igual -o sea, descartar el principio por el cual se puede configurar una amistad- "implica la degradación de los lazos sociales y la proliferación de la violencia, ver al otro como un mero objeto, incluso al que puedo dañar", de acuerdo con Fernando García. Una traducción válida a este razonamiento: una persona con amigos es menos violenta.
Ahora, ¿qué es lo que hace que dos individuos terminen siendo amigos? ¿Cómo encontrar esas cuestiones tan sutiles de las que hablaba Deleuze? Responder eso es tan difícil como explicar el porqué del enamoramiento o del fanatismo por un equipo de fútbol. "Es solamente caerse bien", indica Camila Cibils, improvisando una traducción válida y sumamente terrenal de aquel concepto de Deleuze. Aristóteles una vez definió a la amistad como "un alma que habita en dos cuerpos y un corazón que habita en dos almas". Definitivamente, querer explicar la amistad es como tratar de entender el amor (y ambos sentimientos están tan relacionados, que Lord Byron decía que "la amistad es como el amor, pero sin sus alas"). Se lo siente, se lo tiene, se lo cuida, o no.


"Desde muy pequeños tenemos esa necesidad de lo que en principio se llama `la conquista del otro`. Eso refiere a la necesidad del otro y de ser amados. Sin bien aparece en el ámbito familiar inauguralmente, es en el amigo que por primera vez el niño encuentra una figura de paridad y semejanza, algo totalmente distinto a lo que ocurre en el seno familiar. Es allí donde se encuentra una riqueza". Así explica la psicoanalista y docente de la Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad de la República (UdelaR), Alba Fernández, los orígenes del sentimiento de amistad.



Más chance de vivir de una persona mayor a 70 años si tiene vínculos de amistad. (Flinders University, Australia, 2005).

7 a 1

Más posibilidades de rendir mejor en el trabajo si tiene un amigo como compañero de tareas (Gallup, 2006).


Menos probabilidades de sufrir una crisis cardiovascular si se cuenta con amigos (revista especializada Heart, 2003).


Límites de un vínculo "sin reglas"

¿A una amistad no hay que ponerle reglas ni límites? El psicólogo español José Zacaggnini la definió como "la más libre de las relaciones interpersonales". En Uruguay, su colega Alba Fernández agrega que se trata "del único lazo social que no está regulado, por ejemplo en aspectos jurídicos".
Pero en la práctica, este vínculo está repleto de normas tácitas que deben cumplirse a rajatabla. Y como en todo lo que refiere a relaciones humanas, cada caso es un mundo.
Hay quienes enfatizan que no pueden existir secretos entre amigos ("Si somos amigos, ¿cómo no me vas a decir qué te pasa?") y otros son sostenedores de la premisa que hay que respetar el silencio de ese compañero de ruta ("Cuando me quieras hablar, acá estoy"). La actriz Cristina Morán sostiene que ser amigo y compartir todo no son la misma cosa: "A veces hay que saber aguantarse en el molde, apartarte o acercarte cuando corresponda". El despachante de aduana Gabriel Varela supone la tesis contraria: "Si realmente tenés confianza, no tenés porqué respetar los silencios".


Emociones, juegos y lealtades

¿La amistad entre hombres es más lúdica o la existente entre mujeres tiene un componente más catártico? La antropóloga Anabella Loy reconoce que, si bien no existe un molde para las relaciones, entre las mujeres las conversaciones giran más en el plano de las relaciones afectivas mientras que entre los hombres refieren más "al ámbito público". Entre ellos, es común afirmar que los temas más personales son reservados para un mano a mano con el amigo más íntimo -alcohol de por medio y tango de fondo, para completar la caricatura- y no para "la barra".
Otro preconcepto sostiene que hay mayor lealtad entre los varones. Loy discrepa con este punto. "Eso trasluce, implícitamente, que las mujeres no son leales entre sí. Eso no tiene el menor fundamento".
Vale el ejemplo de Silvia Burg, hoy escritora de 35 años. Si en algunos grupos -incluso de hombres- es norma no meterse en cuestiones íntimas, a menos que el involucrado lo solicite, ella y sus amigas prefirieron la acción directa. Hace casi dos décadas descubrieron una infidelidad del novio de una de ellas. La decisión que tomaron fue darle un ultimátum: "Tenés 24 horas para contar lo que hiciste o lo hacemos nosotras". Ante semejante presión, no le quedó más remedio que confesar. "Eso que improvisamos a los 17 años se volvió como una regla de oro. Por suerte no tuvimos que aplicarla muchas veces, pero es un compromiso tácito de cómo manjar esos asuntos", cuenta hoy Silvia, cuya barra de amigas aún goza de excelente salud.

La definición de amistad para los lectores de El País Digital

"Amistad es no siempre decirle al otro lo que él quiere escuchar". Alberto Pinela (52), empleado.
"Amigo es quien está para escucharte y acompañarte incondicionalmente, es quien te da consejos sinceros, te molesten o no, es quien comparte tus alegrías y triunfos como si fueran propios sin envidia ni recelos. Es quien está para la fiesta y también para el día gris". Tatiana Díaz (28), administrativa.
"Siempre y cuando no interfieran en tu vida sentimental, no creo que haya límites en la amistad". Daniel Pérez (23), estudiante.
"Creo que los verdaderos amigos no necesitan límites, sino que sabes cuales son y son aquellos que la sociedad impone para las relaciones personales". Karina García (37), empleada.
"La amistad no cambia, uno puede no ver por mucho tiempo a una persona, y cuando se ven, no hubo tiempo que los separara". Dayssi Pereira (57), ama de casa.
"Si realmente es tu amigo no hay necesidad de poner ningún tipo de límites porque te conoces tanto que sabes cuando hablar, cuándo estar, cuándo irte, qué hacer o dejar de hacer". Fanny Cáceres (33), empleada.
"Es un pacto que jamás se romperá, ni en las malas ni en las buenas. Jamás perderás a un amigo por credos o ideologías, somos hermanos dentro de esto que llamamos planeta". Hildebrando Yeregui (80), jubilado.


Was never as much solar power

40 Percent of nationwide electricity covered the Sun at the Whitsun Saturday afternoon. No country had ever so much solar power on the Bernward Janzing

When the weather lifted not only floats off, but also the photovoltaic. Image: dapd
FREIBURG taz | The Whitsun weekend new values for the photovoltaic brought in Germany: on the Saturday the 1.1 million solar power systems in Germany produced according to the transmission system operator temporarily up to 22.2 gigawatt (million kilowatt). This is a new world record. No country on Earth had ever so much solar power on the net.
The Sun covered more than 40 percent of nationwide electricity at a total electricity consumption during this period in Germany of something over 50 gigawatts. In the South of Germany, at times even more than half of the need was covered by solar energy, in the network of EnBW the solar share on the Saturday even came up to 60 percent. Produced at the Pfingstsamstag - as well as on the day before - to approximately 190 million kilowatt hours of solar energy summed up over all day. That was more than even before ten years was produced throughout the year. Calculated over the full 24 hours each fifth kilowatt hour in the power supply from the Sun came to the Pfingstsamstag in Germany.
The holidays a phenomenon that there will regularly be in future showed on the electricity market in addition: the midday stream was the cheapest in the whole day due to the strong supply of solar energy. So the current cost only one-third of the evening and Nachtstroms at the Pentecost Sunday in the noon on the spot market for electricity exchange. So far, such a reversal of usual for decades Preisgefüges with cheap night and expensive day flow occurs only weekends low-consumption, but with further extension to photovoltaic systems the midday stream will be in a few years also on working days again and again the cheapest electricity.


Delusion of revolution

Revolution is easily the buzz word these days. Honchos, or at least their supporters, are besotted with the idea of some kind of a frenzied uprising against the status-quo to somehow throw the incumbents out of the window, cherish the ‘change’, make some noise, and then, if needed, decide the future course of action.
Metaphors of massive upheavals of catastrophic nature are frequently being flaunted by the politicians. ‘Tsunami,’ for example, is used by the Chairman of Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf Imran Khan to define his political might. Never mind that even a superficial analysis of this term is enough to make one sick to the stomach. The blood-cuddling horrors related to tsunamis notwithstanding, Khan’s proposed plans also do not commensurate with the radical choice of his words. I’d rather he used a milder metaphor, because what he is claiming to do is obviously not ‘revolutionary.’
Not only him, but all political leaders in the opposition have jumped on the bandwagon to woo the impressionable electorate.
So what, really, is a revolution?
First, a revolution always transpires abruptly, and not slowly, over the course of months or years. Plans of ‘gradual’ reforms in a system, however momentous, cannot be called a revolution. The overall system should change in one go, because if the transformation is slow and gradual it wouldn’t be able to change the entire system.
Second, a revolution revamps the entire system, with drastic concurrent changes. The underpinnings of a society should change. For example, if the judicial system remains the same and only few judges are replaced – or reinstated – it can not be called a revolution. It is merely a case of few persons who are given their jobs back.
No matter how much clean water you put in a cesspool, it still stinks, and will remain filthy forever. Likewise, without major structural transformation, and a realistic alternative plan, introducing ‘clean politicians’ to a system that is rotten to the core will never have the desired effect.
Sociologists have discerned three major kinds of revolutions – those caused by society’s economic polarisation, and the deep cleft between the haves and have-nots; those of a liberal and democratic nature which purely have roots in the human nature, and its urge to live a free life without coercion; and third, those revolutions that are ideological in nature and have least to do with economic aspect.
History contains quite a few with examples.
French Revolution, 1789, was more liberal and democratic in nature than materialistic. The study of its causes reveals that although there were widespread economic and political grievances amongst the Bourgeoisie and the Peasantry, the main instigator of the revolution was the realisation amongst the masses of their right to live free. Philosophers like Rousseau propagated the ideas of freedom and human rights, and paved the ground for the rebellion. “Man is free, yet everywhere he’s in chains,” said Rousseau.
To quote a more recent example, the Arab Spring is also a manifestation of man’s freedom-loving nature. There was an Arabic sign frequently used during the uprisings: “Ana Rajul” – I am a man – a free man. The New York Times’ columnist, Thomas L. Freidman, discussed this ostensibly simple, yet profound symbol in one of his articles: “If there is one sign that sums up the whole Arab uprising, it’s that one,” observed Friedman.
The 1979 Islamic Revolution of Iran is an example of ideological revolution where the masses rose to the call of their spiritual leader, late Ayatollah Khomeini, to establish an Islamic government.
But we, in Pakistan, have a very unusual understanding, if any at all, of the word revolution. We focus on superficial aspects rather than digging deep into the theory.
To a person whose basic understanding of a bird is ‘anything that can fly,’ even a polythene bag flying out of the garbage heap is a bird. Similarly, due to lack of necessary cognizance, anything that is loud, frantic, and emotional sounds like a revolution to most of us. A public meeting of thousands, a crowded press conference, a well-attended dharna, a brawl at a talk-show, or even a pop concert – everything seems to bode for a ‘revolution.’
That’s because in a society emotionally as hyper, religiously as zealous, and academically as illiterate as ours, selling utopia and dreams in the name of revolution is not an art. To be fooled is a natural tendency for such an impulsive nation, and politicians know it quite well. There is, I believe, no point in lamenting after being hoodwinked that the leader is a demagogue – interestingly defined by Henry Mencken as ‘one who preaches doctrines he knows to be untrue to men he knows to be idiots.’
After all, we are the ones who lack the vision to distinguish fact from fantasy. We are the ones who revel in delusions.



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Celebrities who support the Aftonbladet's campaign

Gives hourly earnings for Syrian children: "everyone should be with"

Zara Larsson, 15, singer and winner of the "Talent" in 2008, Stockholm, Sweden:
Since I myself am a child so I think it is particularly awful to think that do not have a home to return to. War in General is terrible, but the kids have done nothing. It is difficult, what can you do? We can not just stroll in and say stop and evidence, it will not listen to. It is of course good to help with money for wars, but right now it is only short-term. There is a need for more.

Inger Nilsson, 53, actress, Stockholm:
It is appalling that people have to flee. I think I have read somewhere that a third of the world's population is on the run, if it is true, it is not acceptable. Precisely these children in Syria are fleeing because of wars, so I think it is important that we help. It is thanks to the help that they can survive at all. I wish we could get to it so that we can resolve the conflict.

David Hellenius, 38, presenters, Stockholm:
– I give absolutely an hour, two to, and I am very involved in Unicef, so of course there is always with. when children hit it takes at most, and I think also that it is to those who help should go first.

Amy Diamond, 20, Jönköping:
– It is always terrible of wars, but in the particular case of children, it is even worse. They are, of course, with so much, despite the fact that they are so very young. It's nice that there is help that can be sent to the children, and it is great that there are people who work in such situations.

Ulf Brunnberg, 65, actor, Stockholm:
— Of course, I am that is always the children who fall in between, and they are always innocent. It is important to help if we can. It is also important that there is critical when one gives, so that we know that aid reaches its destination.

Gunilla Carlsson (M), 49, minister for development cooperation, Stockholm:
I am so happy that Aftonbladet chooses to bet on this campaign again. I have just been in Geneva and held talks on the crisis and the importance of Syria that we need help. I will travel to the region and meet with refugees. The need for a political solution to build on peace and understanding, a long-term preparedness in order to obtain the peaceful democratic. It is precisely the children who will be the first and foremost victims, they are absolutely innocent and often vulnerable in urban environments. Many are injured and dies, and many may see their families. The loss of his childhood.

Kjell "Alexander" Wallmark, 30, artist, Boden:
It is no secret that what is happening in Syria is 26. We can help with small means, only it wants to. Of course, I am with and gives an hourly wage.

Pernilla Wiberg, 41, skier, Principality of Monaco:
– Whatever terms, Syria or a small village, where people shoot around it is terrible and just as terrible every time. I believe that many want to support, but the important thing is that we know that aid reaches the right person. This is probably where the shoe pinches for many.

Sonja Aldén, 34, singer, Stockholm:
– I like the idea to be with and support and I really want to do my part. it goes without saying that it is terrible what is happening in Syria. It is the worst thing that could happen.

Amelia Adamo, 65, editor-in-Chief, Stockholm:
– Absolutely gives me an hourly wage. What about Syria are some strange hopelessness. It just lasts and lasts. In other cases, tend to be better, but now it seems nothing happen. It feels unbelievably frustrating. People just die and die, and as usual, the victims of these appalling civili fighting. What we can do is to form the opinion that Aftonbladet has done and show our support.

Peter Siepen, 49, presenters, Stockholm:
– No odd features, I am with and provides an hourly wage. I usually set up for relief organizations in different contexts. War of any kind is sickening, and worst of all affected children.

Gellert Tamas, journalist and writer, 49, Stockholm:
-What is happening in Syria is incredibly depressing to see how it goes on day after day. Now, it may suffice. As in all conflicts it is the civilians who suffer. We need the help from several quarters. What we can do is help to heal the wounds, but the main thing is that there needs to be a democratic solution over time.

Helena Bergström Nutley, 38, actress, Stockholm:
Yes definitely, I want to join in and donate. It is terrible what is happening in Syria. From time to time are pure despair. The world must react strongly to make change. And it must be a really decent change.

Borje Salming, 61, hockeylegendar, Stockholm:
It is so terribly horrible and it has been so long. Nothing happens. And the thing is that finally bothers to not read about it anymore, it feels like it doesn't matter, they will still continue. I do not know what is wrong with the people. We have very well in Sweden and I don't think we understand really. It is clear that we want to set up.

Maria Wetterstrand (MP), 38, Stockholm:
It is appalling that this type of tyrants has to sit in power. And then when people try to make their voices heard so they shot. What is happening in Syria is probably the worst that we have seen.

Tobias Blom, 36, children's program leaders and the magician, Texarkana:
— Of course, I am with, this is a fantastic initiative. It is obvious that it is terrible that the outside world does not react stronger.

Titti Schultz, 39, Muslims, Stockholm:
It is so crazy it's going there. I can't for my life understand why it has not been able to go so far. It seems that it is not possible to discuss matters. Can I do anything to help, it is clear that I do it.

Martin Timell, 54, presenters, Stockholm:
– Yes, of course, it helps me to. It is sickening that we have not gone on with medium before.

Isabella Löwengrip, 21, bloggerska and entrepreneur, Stockholm:
– It is terrible what is happening there. We are able to help may do so as much as possible. Absolutely, I am with and gives an hourly wage.

Carin da Silva, 27, dancers, Stockholm:
– Absolutely, I want to help. It is a very good thing.

Gabriel Odenhammar, 28, actor and air traffic controllers, Norrköping:
I am guaranteed to be with and gives an hourly wage. Those of us who are a bit better off should help those who don't have it all to be with.

Nanne Grönvall, 49, singer, Stockholm:
Regardless, whatever applies to children and young people, so it is important to go into. In areas ravaged by war, it is extra important. All kinds of campaigns of this kind is good.

Gunde Svan, 50, skier and entertainer, Vansbro:
Yes, I am with and gives an hourly wage. We want to make up for such a thing.

Benny Andersson, 65, singer, Stockholm:
– Absolutely, of course, I am with and gives an hourly wage. What it is is happening there right now, so is it for 26.


Turkey regaining ecological richness through new project
ANKARA - Anatolia News Agency

Thanks to new projects from the Natural Preservation and National Parks Association, Turkey is slowly starting to re-gain some of its botanic and ecological richness. One of the major goals of the projects is to protect the country’s wetlands

‘The Bird Sanctuary Project’ aims to protect and develop wetlands.  The bird sanctuaries host many rare species of birds.
‘The Bird Sanctuary Project’ aims to protect and develop wetlands. The bird sanctuaries host many rare species of birds.
Nature-lovers in Turkey are welcoming back some of the country’s ecological treasures thanks to new projects that are designed to regain some of the country’s biodiversity, particularly in wetlands.

“The wetland areas are like open-air museums,” Natural Preservation and National Park Association General Manager Ahmet Özyanık recently told Anatolia news agency. “Turkey is now one of the richest countries in terms of wetland areas.”

The Natural Preservation and National Park Association’s projects will support the habitats of water birds, botanic gardens, rare plants and other natural areas.

“Turkey is very rich country in terms of botanic life. Turkey has a lot of ecological richness,” Özyanık said. “Wetland areas are important because they have a lot of biological diversity,” he said. “The wetlands are also valuable in terms of economic growth.”

There are more than 300 wetland areas in Turkey. “We need to protect and develop these sites,” the official said, adding that there were some usage criteria for the areas.

Bird sanctuary project

A project titled “The Bird Sanctuary Project” aims to protect and develop wetlands. “We first started this project in 2005, and we aim to share these rare wetlands with the public,” said Özkaynak, adding that the team conducting the project also aimed to develop ecotourism in such wetlands. “The project also aims to support the scientific research being conducted in those areas. These [activities] will help us preserve these areas,” Özyanık said.

Noting that there were many bird and plant species in the wetlands, Özkaynak said: “We can see white pelicans, other species of pelicans, cormorants and its species, flamingos, storks and many more species. These are exclusive areas in terms of biological diversity.”

The bird sanctuaries host many rare species of birds. The association has so far organized 13 projects in 13 wetlands in supporting the rare bird species in those areas.

“The projects were conducted in Balıkesir’s Manyas, Bolu’s Yeniçağa Lake, Adıyaman’s Gölbaşı Lake, Bursa’s Uluabat Lake, Konya’s Kozanlı, Sivas’ Tödürge Lake, Osmaniye’s Kirmitli, Muğla’s Dalyan Lake and Tuzla Lake, Izmir’s Gediz Tuzla Lake, İzmir’s Gediz Lake, Burdur’s Burdur Lake, Tokat’s Kaz Lake and Samsun’s Kızılırmak Lake,” he said.

The listed areas now have bird sanctuaries in marshy lands.

Six new projects on the way

Manyas Bird Paradise National Park has received an A-Level Bird Sanctuary Diploma from the European Union, Özyanık said.

New projects will continue in 2012, the official said, adding that they were planning to begin protecting habitats in the Afyonkarahisar Karakuyu wetlands, Eğirdir Lake, Kars Kuyucuk Lake, Osmaniye Kastabala Valley, Ardahan Putka and Çıldır Lake.

A total of 460 bird species are found currently in those wetlands. “Those wetlands are vital for those birds,” said Özyanık.

“During the migration time of birds, they need to rest in some places, and we support them and the environment and also nature by providing those wetlands to them for them to stay during the migration periods,” the official said.


Twenty million travellers can't be wrong, can they?

May 28, 2012 - 1:44PM
Celebrity Solstice (above) and Voyager of the Seas are offering a one-night cruise in an effort to convince cruise virgins to give it a try.Celebrity Solstice (above) and Voyager of the Seas are offering a one-night cruise in an effort to convince cruise virgins to give it a try.
There are close to 20 million travellers on the move annually that this column has barely mentioned once in 22 years (if you count the printed version before Traveller’s Check went online). It’s one of the fastest-growing sectors of the international tourism business and it does enough trade each year to keep two Qantases busy.
Let’s be frank: the reason it has never got a guernsey here is that I’ve never given more than a minute’s thought to the idea of getting involved. But it’s one of the really appealing ways of travelling because it is designed for people who are single-mindedly out for a good time.
It’s also never been an Australian priority; it’s always been something most had to travel somewhere else to enjoy. But cruising the high seas in large sea-going hotels is infiltrating the Australian consciousness at last.
The world’s biggest cruise line, Carnival, is very much an American creation and doesn’t have to stray far from the Caribbean and central America to soak up all the burgeoning demand for cruising at home.
But others, such as Royal Caribbean (the No.2 global cruise line), have started basing ships Down under for at least part of the year.
One statistic jumps out at me: for the past two decades, cruising’s annual growth rate has averaged 7.7%. That’s only slightly behind the Chinese economy and means cruising has been far less impervious to all the shocks that have kept travellers at home periodically since the mid-1990s: recessions, terrorism, disease.
In 2012, the industry reckons it will top 20.3 million passengers who’ll spend around $30 billion on the product – around $1500 per cruise on average – aboard a global fleet of 256 liners.
On top of that, passengers now pay more than $200 per person on average on “cruise revenue” – the seagoing equivalent of ancillary revenue now all the rage among airlines.
Surprisingly, cruising is something being booked further and further ahead by consumers, while the air travel trend is going in the opposite direction. The average booking window for cruising was around 5.8 months in 2011, up from 4.5 months in 2009.
Compare that to air travel where the average advance purchase period is less than a month for domestic trips and only slightly longer for international journeys.
But it’s still a big purchase when a cruise usually sets you back thousands. It’s also a lottery if it’s a product you don’t understand and may not enjoy. So Royal Caribbean and Celebrity Cruises have come up the idea of a one-night cruise sample out of Sydney at the end of this year.
“Less than three per cent of the (Australian) population went cruising last year and they know what’s behind the gleaming white paint of a cruise ship’s hull,” goes the spiel from Royal Caribbean’s Australian commercial manager Adam Armstrong. “But for the majority of Australians who see more and more cruise ships arrive in harbours around the country, they remain a huge curiosity.”
Accoding to Armstrong, the sample cuises are “convenient for time-poor guests”.
“How many holidays can you get for $345 that include all of your meals, accommodation, entertainment and travel?” he asks.
There will be two ships operating separate overnight cruises. Voyager of the Seas’ one-night sampler cruise starts from $345 per person, and departs Sydney on Friday, November 23. Celebrity Solstice’sone-night sampler cruise departs Sydney on Sunday, December 9, with fares starting from $355 per person
Like, there are specific consumer feedback forums such as where you can go to read up on the cruises and cruise companies that are available – an increasing number in Asia and Australasia, as well as Europe and the Caribbean.
Are you a cruise virgin? Is it something you’re interested in, but have never tried? Are you already a cruise fan? What are the best things that would appeal to those who have never tried it?

Read more:


Car noise was trapped tabby                 

Commodore cat
Squeaking muffler turned out to be a kitten.
Car makers talk about engines that purr – especially when a brand’s mascot is a lion.
But on this occasion the squeaking noise from the car’s rear end turned out to be a kitten trapped between the exhaust and the heat shield attached to the body.
A man in his 60s from the Melbourne suburb of Mulgrave had noticed an unusual noise coming from the back of his 2009 Holden Commodore wagon.
Commodore cat

He called RACV roadside assistance but they couldn’t identify the problem.
So the vehicle owner drove to his nearest Holden dealer, about 5km away, to have the car checked.
Presented with a problem they’d never heard before, mechanics at the Holden dealer in Glen Waverly took the vehicle for a test drive.
With a noise confirmed, they returned to the workshop and put the car on a hoist – closer inspection found a weeks-old kitten trapped near the muffler.
Service manager Michael Smith told Drive: “It was a tiny little thing. It wasn’t squashed but it wasn’t exactly comfortable either. The gap it was in would have only been about 5cm or so. It’s a very hot part of the car so it was quite distressed.”
Mechanics loosened the exhaust system to extract the kitten.
“We thought it had fainted but once we got it out it came to life. We had to put gloves on, it was an aggressive little bugger.”
Smith, who has been working in vehicle service departments for 20 years, said he’s never extracted a cat from a car before.
“We opened the bonnet of a car with a noise once and a possum jumped out, but never a kitten,” he said.
The dealership said the car owner took the kitten home to give it to one of his family members.
The incident happened about a month ago but has only just come to light because workers forgot to extract the images from the camera until this week.
“It sounds like a made-up story but it was real alright,” Smith said.


Los españoles reconstruyen Bagdad

El despacho de arquitectos AV62, de Barcelona, gana el concurso de ideas para la revitalización del emblemático barrio de Adhamiya involucrando a sus habitantes


De izquierda a derecha, y de arriba a abajo, P. García del Barrio, P. Azara, V. Garriga y T. Foraster. / tejederas
El despacho de arquitectos AV62, de Barcelona, formado por Victoria Garriga, Toño Foraster, Pedro García del Barrio y Pedro Azara, ha ganado el concurso de ideas para la revitalización del barrio de Adhamiya, en Bagdad, un emblemático enclave suní de cerca de 400.000 habitantes, que forma parte de la gran metrópolis de siete millones que serpentea a lo largo del Tigris. El mes que viene viajarán para recibir el premio de manos del primer ministro Al Maliki y del alcalde de Bagdad, y esperan, con buenas razones, recibir el encargo para la realización del proyecto.
Si así fuera —en un momento en que el sector atraviesa una profunda crisis en España—, su despacho se convertiría en una privilegiada plataforma para la reconstrucción de la capital iraquí, devastada por años de guerras y destrozos, todavía frágil social y políticamente, pero donde la combinación de un incipiente sistema democrático con una amplia disponibilidad de financiación abre todo tipo de posibilidades.
Las autoridades iraquíes se enfrentan, básicamente, a dos modelos de reconstrucción de las grandes ciudades: por un lado “el que viene del otro lado del Golfo, de Dubai, de Doha, que es un modelo 3D Project manager en el que se le dice al político: ‘Dame un espacio y yo te pongo esto en tres años; dame el dinero y tú ya vendrás a cortar la cinta’. El otro es el modelo europeo, que es consciente de que las ciudades son un hojaldre y están llenas de gente y no de edificios, y que tratan de hacer la ciudad contemporánea reconstruyendo mil veces la ciudad histórica”, explica García del Barrio.
Uno de los planos del barrio de Adhamiya con las propuestas del estudio AV62.
Por suerte para la gente de AV62 en el caso de Adhamiya aplicar el modelo Dubai era inviable, porque en un sistema democrático es imposible desplazar a la población y derruir el barrio sin que los votantes no pasen factura. “Nosotros preferimos trabajar sobre las redes actuales por un lado involucrando a los habitantes del barrio en la tarea de recuperar su territorio y por otra creando equipamientos públicos que tendremos que colocar en el río, porque es difícil encontrar suelo disponible”, explican. En estos momentos, en Bagdad, la calle es un lugar inhóspito del que nadie quiere hacerse cargo, porque es de donde llega el peligro, el atentado suicida, la inseguridad. Por eso está abandonada y muy deteriorada, apuntan. Para rescatarl la textura y devolver la calle a los ciudadanos el estudiod AV62 piensa aplicar el modelo de la campaña Barcelona posat guapa, que consiguió la recuperación de las fachadas modernistas del Ensanche por medio de incentivos fiscales y ayudas, y que se ha convertido en un referente internacional. “Nuestra propuesta”, añaden, “favorecerá las complicidades entre los agentes económicos y sociales involucrados en el proceso”.
No olvidan el elemento simbólico. “Hemos propuesto un puente que enlace las dos mezquitas, la chií y la suní. Temíamos un rechazo, pero ha sido lo contrario, porque el municipio de Bagdad, que en los últimos tiempos estaba trabajando en los barrios chiíes, piensa que con este proyecto se apuntan el tanto de que empiezan a intervenir en los barrios suníes”. El trágico episodio de la avalancha de septiembre de 2005 en el puente al-Aaimmah, que une Adhamiya con el barrio chií de Kadhamiya, también se integra en el proyecto. Además de rehabilitar el viejo puente y cubrirlo para dotar de sombra el recorrido, proponen construir un nuevo puente entre Adhamiya y Kadhamiya para reforzar la relación física y simbólica de los dos barrios, entendiendo que el puente es un elemento fundamental de conexión real y de reconciliación simbólica.
Los arquitectos españoles quieren que el proyecto “transmita una imagen de futuro ilusionante, de bienestar urbano y convivencia pacífica”, y en este sentido hay otro elemento simbólico: utilizar los muros de hormigón que instalaron los estadounidenses para dividir el barrio y controlarlo, tumbándolos para construir una carretera costera.
Pero quizás el elemento más emblemático, y más cercano a los habitantes, es el de la generación de sombra; la sombra como un lugar cívico, como un lugar para la colectividad, en una zona en la que en verano se llega a los 50 grados. Para ello han diseñado una pérgola que define una altura reguladora máxima para la edificación futura y dota con energía renovable todo el trazado de calles. “Da frescor y sombra, es un elemento urbano de fácil fabricación que permite la recuperación sencilla y rápida de las calles de este barrio y hace que la comunidad participe en el proceso de rehabilitación y de mejora de las condiciones de habitabilidad y del espacio urbano”.
Foraster reconoce que ha habido “un enamoramiento del país que ha supuesto una inyección de energía que ha hecho posible realizar el proyecto”, pese a que al principio las dificultades eran tremendas, incluido el hecho de no poder ni acercarse al barrio en cuestión. “Pero la estructura, tanto política como social, está finalmente fraguando y ahora ya algunos admiten que no estamos locos, cuando hasta hace muy poco todos nos tomaban por pirados”, explica Victoria Garriga. La situación mejora muy rápidamente, añaden. Su estudio —la oficina internacional y local de planificación que garantizará la ejecución del proyecto en el tiempo del mandato municipal y el ajuste de los presupuestos— la instalarán en un pantalán en el río, como un anticipo del modelo de equipamientos públicos.
La pregunta obvia es: ¿cómo ha llegado este estudio español a hacerse un hueco en Irak? Porque también tienen proyectos en Mosul y en Kabul, entre otros lugares. “Somos un estudio de arquitectura que tiene el mundo como escenario”, aseguran. “Podríamos estar hablando de Caracas, de Singapur, donde ya estamos, de Brasil... Entre todos atesoramos una experiencia de unos 15 años en actividad internacional, hemos hecho ordenación del territorio en Cuba y Argentina, también en Marruecos. Ahora toca Irak. Estamos en Mosul y Arbil; y en su momento nos presentamos al concurso del Museo Arqueológico de Afganistán en Kabul”.


Baby saved after doctors use smallest man-made heart

Pioneering device enabled 16-month-old to stay alive for 13 days before transplant

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Dr Antonio Amodeo: The surgeon said that two months after the operation, the baby is in good health
Last-minute co-operation between doctors and medical authorities in Italy and the US enabled surgeons in Rome to transplant the world's smallest artificial heart – and save the life of a 16-month-old baby.
The tiny titanium device, weighing just 11 grams, was given to the infant in a pioneering eight-hour operation in March, surgeons at the Bambino Gesù paediatric hospital announced this week.
The decision to transplant the experimental US-designed heart made it possible for the baby, whose identity and sex have not been disclosed, to survive for 13 days before receiving a real heart.
"The operation was extremely complex and the child subsequently underwent a heart transplant, but currently, two months after surgery, the child is doing well and is in excellent health," said Dr Antonio Amodeo, the surgeon who led the procedure. The parents of the baby were "ecstatic" over the success of the pioneering procedure, he added.
The infant had been suffering from a form of heart failure known as dilated cardiomyopathy, together with a serious infection of an artificial system that had already been transplanted to assist the failing organ.
"The prognosis of such a complication is, unfortunately, very poor," said Dr Amodeo. "So at that point the only solution was to remove the infected ventricular system, with all the tubes and intervene immediately using this experimental prototype."
The tiny artificial heart, which had never been used clinically before, is still being tested as part of a research programme at the National Institutes of Health in the US.
The surgeons in Rome raced to get a special permit from the US medical watchdog, the Food and Drug Administration, as well as the Italian Health Ministry in order to use the device.
Within 48 hours of deciding to go ahead with the experimental surgery, permission had been obtained from both the US and Italian authorities. The device is capable of pumping up to 1.5 litres of blood per minute.

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