Monday, February 11, 2013

HEALTHY LIFE - Foods for a good night’s sleep - INDIA

Foods for a good night’s sleep
Foods for a good night’s sleep (Thinkstock photos/Getty Images)

Insomnia or lack of sleep can have a terrible effect on your body besides a rough morning. We list out certain food that can help you get sound sleep. 

Bananas: Researchers have found that having a banana before going to bed can help people suffering from sleep apnea by keeping their throats open and therefore reduce the risk of choking. Bananas are also excellent source of magnesium and potassium, minerals that help prevent muscle spasms or cramps during the night, making them a good bedtime snack as well especially after a heavy exercise session.

Cherries: A natural source of melatonin, researchers in the Journal of Sleep and Sleep Disorders indicate that consuming cherries before bed helped people sleep faster and easier. The fruit is a natural sleep aid.

Flax seeds: These are ideal for increasing levels of sleep regulating serotonin in the body due to high levels of omega-3 fatty acids. Furthermore, omega-3 fatty acids have been proven to help reduce anxiety, depression and stress which are leading causes of insomnia.

Dairy products: Some research suggests that a deficiency of calcium in the diet can cause disturbed sleep patterns and a lack of deep sleep. Dairy products come to our rescue.

Oats: It is a good source of tryptophan. Try eating a small bowl of porridge before bed to help you get some deep sleep.

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